My Personal Journey
In the Beginning: I have always struggled with some form of mental illness throughout the majority of my life. In 2019, I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). This was the very beginning of my long journey. Over the last few years, however, it got to be unbearable. It came to a point where it started to affect my ability to work and spend time with family and friends. Finally, at the very beginning of January this year, I made a difficult decision. I voluntarily admitted myself into a psychiatric hospital for treatment. During these three days, I learned new coping skills to help combat my panic attacks (grounding techniques) and negative thoughts (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). During this period I was also closely evaluated by a psychiatrist. I explained to him how I had tried every SSRI known to man, yet none of them seemed to benefit me. If anything I found them to be an even bigger detriment to my already unstable m...